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The Winds of Dawn clan newsletters are written by our Clan Reporter, Anaeka.

Below is the newsletter you selected:


The Winds of Dawn Bi-Zodiac Newsletter

Volume 01 - Issue 03
1. Editor's Welcome
2. Member News
3. Items of Interest
4. Why Do People Leave Puddleby/Clan Lord?
5. Interesting Happenings In Puddleby
6. A Report on Baking
7. Member Profile
8. Miscellaneous Items
9. Final Words

1. Editor's Welcome
Welcome everyone, to the Third Issue of the "Whispers of the Breeze".

As I put together this newsletter, I have not as yet seen the exile I
would like to interview.  If she does not turn up, I will either have to
provide a quick substitute, or drop the Interview section for this
newsletter.  Time will tell as to which option I will choose.

If anyone has an exile they would like to see interviewed, then you can
do one of the following :

* Let me know which exile you wish to be interviewed and I will
* Let me know which exile you want interviewed and supply me with the
   questions, and I will interview them, or
* Interview that exile yourself and send me the interview as a
   submission (but let me know who you are interviewing in advance :-).

As you can see above, we have a report on Baking from Farhope, and our
Member Spotlight features Konoko.

I hope you enjoy this issue.

[Ed.  My interviewee did not turn up as I was writing this newsletter,
so instead I wrote an article in it's place]

TerraHawk [WoD Reporter and Editor of "WotB"].

2. Member News
It seems that as soon as one of our members comes back from extended
study, another leaves.

We welcome back Arteress Lai (Lilly), and say farewell to Sargon for a

Delirium has joined our ranks as a Winds of Dawn member, and she has
contributed to our clan yell.  If you're using the clan yell, then grab
the latest version from our scrolls in the "Clan Macros" section.  You
can see Delirium's induction by taking a look at the visionstone
available at

Congratulations to GrayGradi as he has passed his Third Circle Healer's

More sad news in that Goric is no longer a Knight.  If you wish to know
more information, you should ask Goric in person.

And, finally, Mace Windu has expressed interest in joining the clan. If
you have not introduced yourself to him yet, then do so when you next
see him clanning.

My apologies to all.  I forgot that Mace Windu had met up with an old
friend and joined The Fellowship.

This is what I get for forgetting things :-)

3. Items of Interest
As we all know, there was a Chaos Storm last zodiac.  Apparently not
many things changed, but what follows is a list of what did change
(compiled from many sources - both OOC and IC changes listed) :

From Delta Tao :

* You will not be able to log on if we consider your account password to
   insecure. If you received the insecure password warning when you
   connected in previous version then you will need to log in to the
   web page [at] and
   your password.  [Ed.  I would assume most people will have already

Other changes :

* TGBG is smaller
* Bard song structure has been changed to a polyphony of a maximum of 6
   notes, in preparation for the use of MIDI in CLv2 [Ed. Well, that's
   I read it.  Don't ask me, I'm not a Bard :-)]

Seems like that's all people found.

Unofficially, I have heard rumours that some critters are now tougher
since the last Chaos Storm.  I know I'm falling a lot more in South
Forest than I used to.

The Sylvan Outpost in SF Hospital is still closed for building.

4. Why Do People Leave Puddleby/Clan Lord
[As this article is a mix of both IC and OOC happenings, I will forgo
the standard OOC warnings as it will get too cumbersome.  Also, please
remember this article is from my own, personal view, so it may skew a
little to one side or the other.  Your views may differ.  if you would
like to give an opinion, then please feel free to leave a message on the
TerraHawk & HWC TerraHawk]

There have recently been a number of departures from Puddleby/Clan Lord.
 Some permanent, others temporary.

Of course, the big question is, why do people leave?

From what I have read in various forums and the newsgroup, some people
start looking at CL as a daily chore, whilst others are unhappy with the
direction development of the game is taking.

Over the last few weeks, I have also felt like taking a break.  Okay
everyone, you can stop gasping in shock now.  I decided to stay, but to
reduce my clanning time to just a few hours a day.

Now, what was it about CL that made me want to take a break?

Well, to start with, let's go back to a time before I had a Macintosh
system, when all I had was my Pentium II 300 MHz with 128 Meg RAM and
Windows installed.  pretty much the only form of decent online gaming I
could find was MUDding.

The MUD I used to play a lot had a level system where to reach the next
level you had to get 2000 xp, but as you went up in levels, you had to
kill tougher mobs to get the xp you needed (with a maximum of 200 xp per

Enter CLan Lord, with it's scaled level system, and enter frustration
number one.

Now, I'm not saying a scaled level system is bad, but having become used
to a fixed level system, it takes some adjusting.  With a party (made up
of mostly stronger exiles) when I started CL, I used to be able to get
10 levels from 3 hours of Wendie hunting.  Now I struggle to get one a

Of course, you'd think having played AD&D for 5+ years would have
attuned me to a scaled level system, but I find that just as frustrating
at times.

Then the problem becomes that if you have characters that become too
strong too quickly, the only thing left to fight are the gods.  I know
all this and understand all this, but sometimes it just wears you down.

Speaking of hunting parties, it seems that I don't get invited to many
hunts anymore.  I used to when I was low level, so I gather that was
mainly because people wanted my newbie share, but now that I'm more
powerful, it seems people want less to do with me.

Of course, the other side is I don't make it easy for people to find me,
as I don't spend much time in town.  Why?  Because I don't like all the
noise going on.

Also, living on the other side of the world hampers things a bit.

But it's a little frustrating to see people organising hunts, and to not
be invited.  And I'm not the kind of person to go up to someone and say
"Can I join your hunt?"  So my options end up being limited.

And even though it is partly my fault for not going in party hunts, I
still end up asking myself "Why do I bother?"

Unless I'm in a one-to-one situation, I'm more of a listener than a
talker.  So IT might appear to others that I am aloof or innatentive.
That's just not the case.  Unfortunately, people misinterpret my "silent
moods", and hence, end up not talking to me. But ask me a question
directly, and I'll answer.  Unfortunately, the perception of what I'm
like based on my "brooding silence" has already caused the damage. 
Enter frustration number three, where no one really talks to you.

Another thing that's frustrating is the slow speed of development of a
character.  Now, I'm not talking about the speed at which you gain
ranks, but rather the number of trainers to choose from.

There are so many trainers out there now, that people (well, especially
myself, but I'm sure other exiles feel the same)way  end up indecisive
about what to train.  A first circle fighter has not onyl 4 trainers to
choose from, but there's also Troilus, or Bracus, or Bodrus.  A first
circle healer has the choice of 5 helear specific trainers.

Sure, they both have their "well-rounded' trainers, Evus and Eva, but if
that's all you need to pass the first circle test, why have the other
trainers around?  Most people I know train to pass the first circle
test, so why bother with these other trainers?  For fighters have Evus
and Histia, and have Evus incorporate Atkus, Balthus, and Regia.  For
healers,  Keep Higgrus and Eva, and do away with the other three.

Of course, maybe I'm not seeing the bigger picture, but since it seems I
haven't received a clear explanation of the bigger picture, it seems to
me that there's too many trainers, which causes confusion.

I mean, I still have trouble trying to decide what to train, and this
causes another element of frustration.

One last final frustration, and it's really a minor quibble, is that
when you gain experience for recovering a fur, that experience goes into
what you are currently training.  Huh?

Wouldn't it make more sense for that experience to go into Skea? That
way you could slowly raise your skea level whilst at the same time
training something else.

In any case, these are the reasosn why I felt like taking a break.  I
know some may seem petty to you, but to me, they seem large at times.

But something that indirectly affects my clanning is the fact that at
the moment I am unemployed.  That ads a lot of stress and frustration to
my life, and even though I should be using CL as an outlet of
frustration, at times it adds to it.  Especially if things don't go as
planned and I end up fallen, and despite sharing with healers and
Mystics, no one Sunstones me asking me where I am.

But then again, there are plusses to Clanning, which is why I stayed.

There is the friends I have made, the fun I have on party hunts, the
clan I belong to (some of the nicest bunch of so-and-so's I've had the
pleasure of meeting :-), and of course, the occasional good result (see
Larloch's Court appearance in the next section :-)

Thank you for taking the time to read my rants.


5. Interesting Happenings In Puddleby
Darshak Invasion Mini-Report :

There was a Darshak invasion.  We were invaded by Priests, Acolytes,
Scouts, Blades, Swabs, and Mates.  The invasions was almost over (i.e.
we had dealt with most of the invaders) when I decided to head to the
docks, as people had found a Keg.

It was a trap!  We became surrounded by thugs, and there were two
warships off the docks, throwing cannonballs, when I fell to one. Let me
tell you they hurt!

I was raised, and went away fromt he cannonballs, when I heard over SS
soemthing about the warships leaving and a portal.

I went back to the docks, to fiund not only a portal, but some cloudy
bubbles floating.  I touched one of the bubbles with my axe, and it
exploded, felling me and a few others around me.

I was raised yet again.

It seemed that the portal led to Umbrion's Island.   of course did not
enter, but others did and promptly fell.

I had to go study at that point, but I assume that the portal
disappeared after a while.

Strange things that can happen when you share :

Yasnaia says, "Slyph skinned the vermine i killed and Sutai got the coin
through my share"

Larloch in Court again :

You all remember Larloch, the guy who stole my axe and shield?

Well, he turned up again, this time in town centre and strarted pushing
myself and Slyph around, so I took him to Court on harrasment charges.

Transcript follows :

Bellafae yells, "This court is now in session, The Honourable Judge
Haengemie presiding."
Clera unfurls a new scroll, and labels it: pcl_0541_331_23_47
Haengemie says, "Thank you, you may be seated."
Haengemie says, "This trial is to settle the matter wherein TerraHawk
has accused Larloch of harrasment."
Haengemie says, "TerraHawk and Larloch will each be given a chance to
state the facts pertinent to the case."
Haengemie says, "Either party may finish their testimony and call a
witness by saying..."
Haengemie says, "witness:  For example..."
Haengemie says, "witness: Larloch"
Haengemie says, "Observers, please keep the railing in the Northeast
behind the jury clear for witnesses."
Haengemie says, "If, during the presentation of the case, either party
wishes to conclude early,..."
Haengemie says, "...they may do so by saying the single word "done"."
Haengemie says, "Now then..."
Haengemie says, "TerraHawk, you have 90 seconds to speak."
TerraHawk says, "I was sitting in Town Centre minding my ownb business
and assembling my lcan newsletter"
TerraHawk says, "Larloch just suddenly comes up to me and pushes me
TerraHawk says, "for no reason"
TerraHawk says, "witness: Slyph"
Haengemie says, "Thank you, TerraHawk"
Haengemie says, "Slyph, please approach the witness railing, to the
Northeast of the jury box. You have 15 seconds."
Haengemie says, "Thank you, Slyph. You have been called to testify in
this matter, please state the pertinent facts to the jury."
Haengemie says, "Slyph, you have 90 seconds to speak."
Slyph says, "I, too, was shoved without reason, constantly, and without
cease, despite warning the stupid Larloch."
Slyph says, "He's trying to get a rise out of folks, of course, but if
we sue him enough, we can make him regret this."
Slyph says, "see ya in the slammer, ass."
Slyph says, "done"
Haengemie says, "Thank you, Slyph"
Haengemie says, "Larloch, you have 90 seconds to speak."
Larloch says, "he just wants revenge. Terra kept tripping me, causing me
to fall into him. Slyph is simply angry because I refuse to tup her"
Larloch says, "he just wants revenge. Terra kept tripping me, causing me
to fall into him. Slyph is simply angry because I refuse to tup her"
Larloch says, "done"
Haengemie says, "Thank you, Larloch"
Haengemie says, "TerraHawk, you have 120 seconds to speak."
TerraHawk says, "I was not tripping anyone. how could I if my eyes and
attention wer eon assembling my clan's newsletter"
TerraHawk says, "It's not enough that Larloch stole my shield and axe
under flse pretenses"
TerraHawk says, "now he wishes to annoy me for no reason"
TerraHawk says, "Members of the Jury, i ask that you give Larloch a
sentence he deserves"
TerraHawk says, "done"
Haengemie says, "Thank you, TerraHawk"
Haengemie says, "Larloch, you have 120 seconds to speak."
Larloch says, "see, he's out for my blood"
Larloch says, "SLYPH IS LONELY"
Larloch says, "DONE"
Haengemie says, "Thank you, Larloch"
Haengemie says, "Jury, you will adjourn to vote on a verdict."
Haengemie says, "After you discuss the case, tell the verdict collector
"guilty", "innocent"."
Haengemie says, "Or vote "frivolous" if you want to sentence the
plaintiff for wasting everyone's time."
Haengemie says, "You will have 4 minutes. Not voting is the same as
voting "innocent.""
Haengemie says, "TerraHawk has accused Larloch of harrasment"
Haengemie says, "Please remember to vote solely on the matter of this
trial, based only on the testimony heard."
Haengemie says, "Do not allow any bias, good or bad, regarding previous
affiliations enter into your decision."
Haengemie says, "Larloch this court finds you guilty, as accused."
Haengemie says, "Jury, you have found Larloch guilty."
Haengemie says, "You will now adjourn to recommend a sentence."
Haengemie says, "You will each be given two votes, and choices of jail
time and/or fine."
Haengemie says, "An officer of the court will be ready to assist you,
should you need it."
Haengemie says, "You will have 4 minutes to make your recommendations."
Haengemie says, "Not voting, with either or both of your votes, is the
same as a recommendation of "no sentence"."
Haengemie says, "On Summer 57 of 541, Larloch was found guilty, being
charged with Selling stolen property.."
Haengemie says, "Jury, please note: one prior conviction in the past
Haengemie says, "Jurors, you should take Larloch's record into account
when deciding what sentence to recommend."
Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's sentencing recommendation.
Haengemie says, "Because of outstanding fines still owed from previous
Haengemie says, "I'm going add 53 minutes to the sentence."
Haengemie says, "Larloch, you are hereby sentenced to spend 91 minutes
in the Puddleby jail,"
Haengemie says, "and fined 510 coins."
Haengemie says, "As you cannot afford to pay your fine, the clerk
calculates the balance (510c)..."
Haengemie says, " additional jail-time of 65 minutes."
Haengemie says, "Also, Clera will help you arrange a payment plan."
Haengemie says, "In addition, Larloch, I'm going to banish you from the
city limits for 10 days."
Haengemie says, "After you've served your jail-sentence, I suggest you
sneak out of town quietly, and don't let the guards catch you."
Judge Haengemie bangs his gavel
Haengemie yells, "This court is adjourned."
Bellafae says, "TerraHawk, you are free to go."
Bellafae says, "Larloch, you'll be going to jail to serve your sentence,

If anyone knows or has seen anything of interest happen to themselves or
others, in or around Puddleby, then let me know and I will include it in
the next Newsletter.

6. A Report on Baking
What follows is a report from Farhope on Baking.

Ingredients for baking:

As you already know, Kiri and me are studying with Zeucros to "create
delicious baked goods" (words from Zeucros). But to make this pastries
we need some ingredients. Here follows a list of the recipes with their

* Pretzels :
      water, wheat
* Tangleberry muffins :
      an egg, wheat, 2 bunches of tangleberries
* House of HŽnea beer bread :
      an egg, 2 bundles wheat, yeast, barley, spores, ale
* Brownies :
      an egg, wheat, myrm honey, cacao pod
* Chocolate-chip cookies :
      2 eggs, wheat, myrm honey, cacao pod
* Tangleberry pie :
      water, wheat, myrm honey, tangleberries

By the way, the first recipes in the list are the easier to master (I
think). I still doesn't succeed in making tangleberry pies but I hope to
succeed very soon (Kiri has mastered all recipes I think).

As you read in the list, the wheat is the most essential ingredient, it
is needed for all recipes.

* wheat         : 6/6 recipes (2 needed for beer bread)
* egg           : 4/6 recipes (2 needed for cookies)
* myrm honey    : 3/6 recipes
* water         : 2/6 recipes
* tangleberries : 2/6 recipes (2 needed for muffins)
* cacao pod     : 2/6 recipes
* barley        : 1/6 recipes
* spores        : 1/6 recipes
* yeast         : 1/6 recipes
* ale           : 1/6 recipes

The easiest recipe (in term of both training and ingredients) is the
pretzels : only wheat (and some water) is needed. Now, when I wander in
the farms and see a bunch of wheat, I see a box of pretzels :-)

A little story : I have try the beer bread with beer or hard liquor (or
even with a keg of ale) but it doesn't succeed. Don't be worry, the beer
or the hard liquor was not wasted ;-)

I will try to make a prices list of different ingredients in another

7. Member Profile
In this Issue, we take a look at Konoko.

Name			: Konoko
Race			: Fen'Neko
Sex			: Female
Profession		: Fighter
Circle			: Second
Addressed as		: Lady
Approx Number of Ranks	: 625
Currently Training	: Detha
Current Training Goal	: No real goal - just whatever I feel like at
                           time... :)

Rank Breakdown (approximate) :
	Atkus			:  65 (better pupil)
	Swengus			:   0 (toes)
	Evus			:  50 (hard to find more to teach you)
	Histia			:  85 (toes)
	Detha			:  66 (better pupil)
	Balthus			:  10 (better pupil)
	Regia			: 150 (hard to find more to teach you)
	Darkus			:  51 (better pupil)
	Troilus			:  35 (progressing well)
	Marsh Hermit		:  17
	Frrinkain		:   5
	Skea Brightfur		:  50 (better pupil)
	Dentir Longtooth	:   6 (much to learn)
	Sartario (Sewing)	:  10 (good to see me)
	Bodrus			:  10
And Sargon, look!  Spiritus!  :)
	Spiritus		:  15 (good to see me)
	Total			: 625

Favourite Places to Hunt :
       I think North West Forest is my favourite place to solo hunt. I
don't go to too many other places solo.  I hardly have any troilus and
with 85 histia, it takes a LONG time to recover.  Besides, it's more fun
to hunt in a group!  The past few group hunts have been with WoD members
in Savannah and the new bear cave.

Current Financial State :
       1360 coins

Favourite Weapon :
       Short sword.  Actually it's the only weapon I use.  I like the 4
and 1/2 swings I get with it.  And my regia is quick so it doesn't take
long at all to get all my balance back!

Most oft-used items when hunting :
       Short sword and wooden shield.  Plus sunstone!  I couldn't live
without my sunstone.  You gotta keep in touch with everyone, right? :)

Other items in inventory :
       Orga eye, dagger, candy club, bright club, glowing club, green
token, mounted rat, roguewood club, sewing kit, and miscellaneous
candies... :)

Future Goals :
       Eventually I'd like to pass the 3rd circle test but I'm not
training for that specifically.  I'll pass it when I pass it.  I
wouldn't mind getting a bit more sewing ranks.  Some more pathfinding
would be good too.  I think learning more languages would be fun too!
More troilus would be nice if I ever decided to go on more solo hunts.

Fighting Style :
       I'm not really a brick (at least not for the big stuff :) and I
don't think I will be.  I don't have lots of detha but I do have quite a
bit of histia.  I want to slowly work on histia and detha (and spiritus
too Sargon :).  I'm more of a fighter that works with groups rather than
being a solo fighter.  I like to be able to take the hits thanks to my
histia and then use all my swings to beat on the monster. :)

Latest Interests :
       I recently took up sewing.  I now have 10 ranks in that.  I
started training mandible extraction with Dentir Longtooth but that got
kinda boring so I stopped (only 6 ranks).  I'll eventually go back to
that I guess and I'll get more sewing.

Best Friends outside the clan :
       Felicity is a good friend!  And so is Rylantar.  As well as
several Hearts of Tan members (Thal, Fist, Drenn, Fisc, and others I'm
sure :).  Gandor and Bvael have also been very nice.  And Slyph too. 
She gave me my orga eye and recently helped me figure out sewing.  Sorry
to all those I've missed!

Who helped you get Familiar with Puddleby :
       I don't really remember everyone who helped me.  I know Crystal
Blue (I think that's her name) gave me something like 60 coins when I
first started.    But I do know there were lots who helped!  However,
soon after I got to Puddleby, I joined up with the Silver Drakes. And
then a bunch of us split off and formed the Winds of Dawn.

Anyone Special in your Life? :
       Tserr'tsee recently gave me a bouquet of flowers... :)

(Ed. Awwwwwwwwww :-)

8.  Miscellaneous Items
Art won the second sunstone in DP Draw.

Don't forget to nominate your favorite exile for the next Sunstone
Drawing drawing at

9. Final Words
And so, we reach the end of another Issue, where justice was served,
invasions were thwarted, and information was imparted over a nice batch
of freshly baked muffins.

I want to thank Farhope and Konoko for their contributions.

I hope you enjoyed our third issue.

If you wish to comment on any articles, please feel free to do so on the
clan forum.

Feedback is always appreciated, article submissions are always welcome,
and remember, may the wind be behind your back always.

Good hunting!

PROLOGUE - I guarantee that every word of this story is a lie.
EPILOGUE - I guarantee that every word of this story is the truth.
   -- "Time Pressure", Spider Robinson

Please select the newsletter you'd like to view below:

Newsletters by Anaeka:

Newsletters by Terrahawk:

The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.