Winds of DawnOobiscus the Foxweir
8:45 pm on Gradi, day 4 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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The Winds of Dawn clan encourages all members to be involved in clan projects. As a result, there are many clan offices that exist to organize clan endeavors rather than a centralized leader of the clan. If you are a clan member and are interested in an unoccupied office, you should let the Clan Secretary know of your interest in that office. If you are interested in an office that is already occupied, you may want to talk to the officer and see if they could use your help as an apprentice.

Clan officers provide valuable leadership to the clan. If you are a clan officer and can't be present for something you should be there for, you should try to get someone to fill in for you. If you will be gone for an extended time, you should try to get someone else in the clan to temporarily take over your responsibilites. If you can't effectively perform your officer duties or are no longer interested in holding your office, you should notify the Clan Secretary you are stepping down so that other members may express interest in filling your office.