Winds of DawnOobiscus the Foxweir
8:45 pm on Gradi, day 4 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Membership Intro

Friends of Dawn

The Winds of Dawn is aware that there are many special friends of the clan, who evince the qualities we look for in a Wind of Dawn, such as helpfulness to new exiles and being a generally a good person, and who have a special connection to the clan. As such, we have started a program to recognize those exiles officially with the title "Friends of Dawn". To view a list of clan members, go to the members scroll.


Male Sylvan Healer

Former member, the first to join after the founding, he will always be a clanmate to us


Female Halfling Healer

Former member and co-founder, she will always be a clanmate to us


Male Human Fighter

Former member, he will always be a clanmate to us


Male Sylvan Fighter

Former member, present at our very first clan hunt, he will always be a clanmate to us

Arteress Lai

Arteress Lai
Female Sylvan Healer

Former member, she will always be a clanmate and Windy Chick of Dawn to us

  Elenis Reyav

Elenis Reyav
Male Human Fighter

Good friend to the clan and newbies alike

Connie Crete

Connie Crete
Female Dwarf Fighter

Good friend to the clan and newbies alike

The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.