Winds of DawnOobiscus the Foxweir
8:45 pm on Gradi, day 4 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Trainer Messages

Trainer Messages

Below is a list of messages trainers report and the number of ranks they are equivalent to:

Message Ranks
You have much to learn. 0-9
It is good to see you. 10-19
Your persistence is paying off. 20-29
You are progressing well. 30-39
You are a good pupil of mine. 40-49
You are one of my better pupils. 50-99
You keep me on my toes. 100-149
It is hard to find more to teach you. 150-199
Teaching you is a challenge. 200-249
There is not much more I can teach you. 250-299
Teaching you has taught me much. 300-349
You have attained tremendous skill. 350-399
We are nearly equals. 400-449
You may be proud of your accomplishment. 450-499
You are becoming a master of our art. 500-549
Your dedication is commendable. 550-599
You show great devotion to your studies. 600-649
You are a credit to our craft. 650-699
Few indeed are your peers. 700-749
Your devotion to the craft is exemplary. 750-799
It is always good to greet a respected colleague. 800-899
You are truly a grand master. 900-999
Let us search for more we might learn together. 1000-1249
Your persistence is an example to us all. 1250-1499
Your skill astounds me. 1500-1749
You have progressed further than most. 1750-1999
You are nearly peerless. 2000-?
There is nothing I can teach you. Maxed

Special Weapon Messages

Below is a list of messages special weapons report and the number of ranks they are equivalent to:

Message Ranks
You feel you have much to learn. 0-9
You feel tolerably skilled. 10-19
Your persistence is paying off. 20-29
You are progressing well. 30-39
You are becoming proficient. 40-49
You have learned much. 50-99
You have become skilled. 100-149
You have become very skilled. 150-199
Learning more is a challenge. 200-249
You have attained great skill. 250-299
You are becoming an expert. 300-349
The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.