Winds of DawnOobiscus the Foxweir
8:45 pm on Gradi, day 4 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Clan Lord Links

This scroll is a resurrection of the original "World's Greatest Collection of Clan Lord Links" created by Tim Yang (Worg). Please send any corrections for this scroll to Kiriel D'Sol

Most Recently Added/Updated Scroll Entries:

Scroll Name Category Description
Drablak's Hideaway  Exile scrolls   
Fishmonger  Directories  A directory of links to news sources and Clan Lord diaries.  
Manx's Clanlord Scrolls  Art Scrolls  Manx's history and her stories of the exorcism of Polgara and Vagile's squiring ceremony. Includes several crayon-canvas portraits of exiles and new icons for human and halfling females.  
Angela  Art Scrolls  Angela's history and several sketches she did of her fellow Light & Shadow clanmates.  
Falinea's Blade  Guilds/Associations  Falinea's Blade is a self-reliant hunting group, comprised of similar strengthed exiles. 
Drablak's maps  Map scrolls of Lok Groton  Drablak's maps of Puddleby 
Drablak's journal  Diaries  A journal of Drablak's adventures and thoughts. 
Drablak's Guides  Guides/References  A series of guides on various subjects. 
MMORPG.COM  Reviews  Some reviews of Clan Lord 
Warrior of the Moon  Diaries  The adventures of Jeanne, a Fen'Neko moon warrior in the Sun Dragon Clan. 

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The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.