Winds of DawnEghorus the Rooster
8:11 pm on Merdi, day 33 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Clan Lord Links

This scroll is a resurrection of the original "World's Greatest Collection of Clan Lord Links" created by Tim Yang (Worg). Please send any corrections for this scroll to Kiriel D'Sol

Skill Scrolls (8):

Scroll Name Description
Alchemists List  A directory of alchemists grouped by which potions they have the skill to make 
Bakers List  A directory of exiles with full baking training 
Brewers List  A directory of exiles with full brewing training 
Dentir Specialists List  A directory of exiles with significant Dentir training, grouped by skill level 
Full Pathfinders  A list of full pathfinders (those who have 100 ranks of Marsh Hermit training). This list is meant to assist in recruiting full pathfinders for rescues in areas which require a full pathfinder.  
Professional Tailors List  A directory of exiles with significant tailoring training, grouped by skill level 
Skea Specialists List  A directory of exiles with significant Skea training, grouped by skill level 
Trainer Messages  A list of trainer messages and the number of ranks they are equivalent to. 


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The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.