Winds of DawnOobiscus the Foxweir
8:45 pm on Gradi, day 4 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Clan Lord Links

This scroll is a resurrection of the original "World's Greatest Collection of Clan Lord Links" created by Tim Yang (Worg). Please send any corrections for this scroll to Kiriel D'Sol

Contests (4):

Scroll Name Description
1st Grand and Spectacularly Suicidal Mystic Race  A big race held for all the mystics in the puddleby town. 
Portrait Raffle  An interesting money-making business started by the artist Manx. The cost of a ticket is 50 coins but there can only be one winner. The prize is a portrait by Manx of the winner.  
Puddleby Court Archive Contest  A contest sponsored by Delta Tao to find the most user-friendly site design to display up-to-the-minute court archive logs.  
The Deathmaster Contest  A cash-prize contest that requires contestants to knock down a chosen exile within 30 seconds. Sponsored by the Pogue Mahone clan.  


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The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.