Archived Message Board Posts
Kiriel |
Sep 27th 2:28 PM
Please follow up to this thread to vote for this name. Remember
you can only vote for one name.
Kiriel |
Sep 27th 2:30 PM
I vote for Winds of Dawn.
Aerick |
Sep 27th 2:33 PM
I vote for Winds of Dawn. |
Konoko |
Sep 27th 3:18 PM
I vote for Winds of Dawn |
GrayGradi |
Sep 27th 3:44 PM
I like Winds of Dawn. |
Nunul |
Sep 27th 4:53 PM
May we all be swept away by the Winds of Dawn! |
Farhope |
Sep 28th 3:31 PM
I like the Winds of Dawn... sitting on an island in the marsh,
looking to the east |
Ender/Curun'ir |
Sep 30th 2:10 PM
it has my vote, who ever came up with it great
name |
Kiriel |
Sep 27th 2:27 PM
Please place your votes on this board. I have posted each of the
names that were in the narrow down thread, and everyone should vote
for one name and one name only. Follow up to the appropriate clan
name thread with your vote.
Votes should be in by Friday at 9pm PST to be counted.
The name with the most votes will become the official clan name
(if anyone has a problem with this method of choosing let me
Aerick |
Sep 28th 8:14 PM
Real quick update, as many of the votes are in, and the results
are (in my eyes) fairly clear. Is there anyone who will be upset,
or in anyway dissatisfied if the name for which they vote does not
win? I would rather do many vile things than begin the clan with
people already not pleased about something. |
Kiriel |
Sep 27th 2:29 PM
Please follow up to this thread to vote for this name. Remember
you can only vote for one name.
Corwin |
Sep 27th 5:25 PM
...although I prefer "Raging Butterflies" |
Lilly |
Sep 27th 11:09 PM
be it Flutterbies, Or Butterflies, either way this name gets my
vote. |
Kiriel |
Sep 27th 2:28 PM
Please follow up to this thread to vote for this name. Remember
you can only vote for one name.
Kiriel |
Sep 27th 2:28 PM
Please follow up to this thread to vote for this name. Remember
you can only vote for one name.