Archived Message Board Posts
Kiriel |
Sep 27th 2:32 PM
At this point hopefully everyone's had a chance to post the
names they'd like to see here. I have setup a voting section so
please post your votes there.
Konoko |
Sep 25th 8:33 AM
You mentioned wanting one or 2 favourites. Currently, Winds of the
Dawn is my favourite.
For more on the "Dawn" symbolism, please refer to my "Defenders of
the Dawn" post under clan name. There are a whole bunch of meanings
that are appropriate to the goals og this clan.
As for the "wind" symbolism, I hope Aerick posts here with a
better explanation. He mentioned several things in at the pre-clan
meeting we had on Sunday. One thing he mentioned was a number of
rankages/names that can be given to the members based on the circle
they are in:
1st - Breeze
2nd - Gust
3rd - Wind
4th - Gale
Also, a wind name based on what profession they are. Aerick
mentioned Lunar Wind for healers and Zephyr for fighters. He said
he though Zephyr meant violent wind.
I did some checking at dictionary.com, Zephyr is a "soft, gentle
wind" so perhaps this would be good for healers.
Tempest is "An extensive current of wind, rushing with great
velocity and violence, and commonly attended with rain, hail, or
snow; a furious storm." Being a fighter, this sounds good to
The furious storm that is Konoko :)
For mystics we'll have to give it a little thought (maybe
So, what does everyone think? I like both the dawn and the wind
I have this under "Defenders of the Dawn" so I guess discussion
can go there as Kiriel suggests.
Aerick, can you post more of your wind theories here?
Konoko |
Aerick |
Sep 25th 8:41 AM
First off, I'm thinking of how the name will sound in our /info.
'Wearing a symbol of the Winds of the Dawn' seems to make that
extra 'the' seem awkward. I think ' a symbol of the Winds of Dawn'
runs better. |
Konoko |
Sep 25th 10:08 AM
You're right. Winds of Dawn is better and much easier to
say! |
Nunul |
Sep 25th 3:58 PM
I'd like to add another to the "wind" idea...
"Rising Wind" |
Kiriel |
Sep 25th 4:12 PM
I'd like Rising Wind except it's too much like Rising Claw
Corwin |
Sep 25th 7:22 PM
So, abbreviated, we'd be WOD.
Hmm. |
Farhope |
Sep 26th 2:08 AM
My favorite |
Nunul |
Sep 25th 4:17 PM
How i do love the weather names...8*)
The more severe the weather, the better! |
Nunul |
Sep 25th 9:00 PM
By the by, "Warm Front" was coined by Corwin I
believe |
Konoko |
Sep 25th 8:39 AM
This is my other favourite.
Someone mentioned they didn't like the "fighter-ness" of the word
Defender. But as I see it, as a clan we would be defending the
other exiles (newbies, etc) in the land from any dangers.
To guard. To protect. To defend.
Defenders of the Dawn.
Now here is some of the dawn symbolism that I posted in the clan
name section. I will post it again here for clarity and to save
everyone from having to go find it.
It works on a number of levels:
1. First it includes the idea of light that I believe Kiriel (or
someone) had mentioned in an earlier post. Night can be seen as
dark and cold and lonely. The dawn is the emergence of light and
warmth and hence the support and togtherness that the clan would
offer to one and all.
2. Second, night can be seen as the evil and dangers of the land
while the dawn and the sun represent the good and safeness. Think
of it this way: the same way the exiles do battle every day with
the various monsters such as the orgas, darshaks, etc for control
of Puddleby and area, every 24 hours the night and day battle for
control. The dawn signals the success of the day (the sun)
defeating the evils of the night to bring a bright new day to the
world. Being defenders of this dawn would mean that the clan is
fighting the evils of the land.
3. Dawn can be seen as the beginning of the day versus morning,
afternoon, dusk, evening, night, etc. The dawn is the beginning of
the day much in the same way that when an exile enters Puddleby,
she/he is in the dawn (beginning) of her/his new life as an
It works on so many levels!
I'm sure there are others too...
As the defenders/guards/protectors of this dawn, our clan would be
protecting the town of puddleby and the whole island chain from the
evils. We would be protecting those exiles in the dawn of their new
life in pudddleby (newbies). And finally as a dawn, we would be
offering light, support, guidance to the exiles in the land.
Konoko |
Nunul |
Sep 25th 3:55 PM
As a dorf who spent the majority of his adult life in the mountain
caverns in darkness, I must disagree with your interpretaion of
night as a time to be feared. Night has its proper place opposite
day. But I do like using "Dawn, as a transition into
daylight. |
Konoko |
Sep 25th 6:10 PM
I know what you mean. Night is a great time for hunting! I don't
fear night myself - heck I'm a cat! It's the perfect hunting time
to get lots of skins!
I was referring I guess symbolically (or whatever) to night being
the dark (evil) and day being the light (good). Basically I was
just thinking of other ways "dawn" could be
referenced... |
Kiriel |
Sep 24th 9:30 PM
This is one of my favorites (could also be The Raging
Butterflies but I like the cutesy version better). I like the
contradiction in terms- the peaceful butterflies racing in to the
rescue, swords drawn :)
It doesn't exactly say anything about the theme of the clan (but
neither did Silver Drakes) but I like it. |
Nunul |
Sep 25th 4:00 PM
...makes me think of FlufferNutter.
(who by the way...IMHO would be a nice addition to the
clan) |
Nunul |
Sep 25th 4:01 PM
...makes me think of FlufferNutter.
(who by the way...IMHO would be a nice addition to the
clan) |
Kiriel |
Sep 24th 9:28 PM
Ok- we need to narrow down the list of names at this point so we
can have a real vote. I want everyone to pick one or two favorite
names (either from the discussion on the other area or new ones if
you like). Post a thread for that name (describing it if need
Then everyone should look at all the names posted here.
If_and_only_if you do _not_ like the name enough to accept it as a
name for the clan, please post that you don't want that name under
that thread. If you just want to discuss the name, don't do it
here- do it in the "Clan Name" area.
The idea behind this is that we should get a list of names that
are objected to by nobody (or at least by very little). These we
can put to a vote so we can decide the final name, but this will
narrow the choices significantly.
If you are confused by this, you can ask questions under this
I would like everyone to try to post their suggestions by
Wednesday, and by Friday you should have marked any names you don't
like. Then we can have a vote assuming this works for everyone.
Please nobody feel bad if someone does not like a name you suggest
and don't be afraid to tell anyone if you don't like a name. We
need to have something that will work for as many as possible, so
everyone must say what they honestly think.