Winds of DawnEghorus the Rooster
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The Winds of Dawn hosted our fourth Newbielympics between Saturday, November 5th and Sunday, November 13th, 2005. Thanks to all the folks who participated and volunteered and contributed prizes!

Who Was Eligible To Participate:

All official Newbielympics events were limited to folks below Lord/Lady level (around 550 ranks). Some parts of events were limited to below Master/Mistress level (around 200 ranks)- any events of this type were be labeled as such. Every exile who participated in an event qualified for a special drawing held at the closing ceremonies for additional prizes.


We'd like to give thanks to the Falken Goodbye Fund for generous prize donations.

Newbielympics Schedule

All events took place between Saturday, November 5th and Sunday, November 13th, 2005.

Date/Time Location Description Coordinator Result
Sat, Nov 5, 2005 at 12:00 PM PDT Bard's Field Newbielympics Opening Ceremonies - There will be music, food, drinks and an overview of the events planned for the Newbielympics. Exiles of all levels welcome to come. TBA
Sat, Nov 5, 2005 at 02:00 PM PDT Playground Indoor Pushball (Shove the ball into the opponent's goal to win!) Himitsu The winning team was Blood Fens (Ratchet, Cena and Sirus, replaced midgame by Largo), they all won 200c. The second place team was Killer Smurfs (Nynaeve, Miratisu, Asklepios), they all won 100c.
Sun, Nov 6, 2005 at 02:00 PM PDT West Town Mystic Push (How fast can you push a fallen Mystic? This contest will test your mettle.) Himitsu The cloaked team (Roadhog, Sirus, Miratisu, Finegas)came in first and won 300c each. The shirts team (Orihime, Bains, Cena, Largo) all won 150c each.
Sun, Nov 6, 2005 at 07:00 PM PDT North Town Foot Race (One of first lessons exiles learn is how to run past critters. Test your running skills in a variety of obstacles.) Himitsu Ratchet came in 1st and won a gossamer. Frozen Ham was 2nd and won a caduceus. Bains and Clauwz made it to the semi-finals and received axes. Boo Boo Kitty, Largo, Ilena and Saffire also participated and received 50c bakery gift certificates.
Mon, Nov 7, 2005 at 01:00 PM PDT North Town Falling contest: There will be 2 categories for the contest: the new exiles (still not Mistress/Master) and those with Mistress/Master title. Every contestant will ("lock") share with Farhope (or with someone helping her but all with one person), she will say the name of a critter for the new exiles and another for the Mistress/Master. At this moment, the contestants have to rush to find this critter and to fall to it. First winning 10 points, 2nd winning 9 points, ..., 10th winning 1 point (in each category). Healers will go to heal everyone. Everyone meet her back in south town. There will be 3 rounds, each time with another critter. Exile with most points wins the contest in each category. Farhope Mr Bigglesworth came in first and won 250c and an anchor. Largo came in 2nd and won 100c and an uli. Miratisu was 3rd and won 100c and green paint. Ilena was 4th and won 100c and an axe.
Mon, Nov 7, 2005 at 06:00 PM PDT Meet inside Monestary Hide and Seek - There will be 7 hiders who will go and hide somewhere in the farms or town area (underground is not included). Then all contestants will search for the hiders. The contestant who finds the most hiders wins (there will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize). In the case of tie there will be multiple rounds of hiding and seeking until a clear winner is chosen. Kiriel D'Sol Kahlefeldt and Largo tied and Kahlefeldt won the sudden death round. For 1st place she received a catsbane necklace. Largo received a chain for 2nd place. Sirus received a piece of iron for 3rd place. Ratchet came in 4th and Clauwz and Maximus also participated.
Tue, Nov 8, 2005 at 02:00 PM PDT West Town Boat Race (Row row row your boat in this river contest that will test your ability of maneuvering skills.) Himitsu Largo came in first place and won an anchor. Miratisu and Clauwz tied for second and received a fishing pole and fishing cooler apiece.
Tue, Nov 8, 2005 at 07:00 PM PDT North Town Clue Hunt (Do you pay attention when you walk through the lands? Solve a clue and run to the location until you get to the end.) Himitsu Miratisu came in first and won a turquoise cloak. Clauwz came in second and won a midnight shirt. Kayander Mere came in third and won a khaki cloak.
Wed, Nov 9, 2005 at 12:00 PM PDT Meet in temple Underground run, one must run from cave below temple to WoD meeting place in highland. WoD representative will pf you in cave. Finding your way in hive is part of the event. (you can start trainning now !) Do not seek elder guidance as they are more likely to goes astray in myrm hives than in Outer Orga Outback. WoD folks will also provide rescue for the fallen (if any) Archemar Jea N'golia came in 1st and won 1000c. Cena and Clauwz tied for 2nd and won 500c each. Largo received 100c for his finish.
Wed, Nov 9, 2005 at 07:00 PM PDT Bard's Field Marathon Foot Race: Competitors will race along a course from bard's field, through town center, out through East Forest, and back. First racer to reach the finish line judge wins. Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers. Therian Asklepios came in 1st and won 1000c. Miratisu came in 2nd and won 500c. Crazy Ox came in 3rd and won 250c.
Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 02:00 PM PDT North Town Foot Race (One of first lessons exiles learn is how to run past critters. Test your running skills in a variety of obstacles.) Himitsu Clauwz came in 1st place and won a catsbane necklace. Rusty Ironbeard came in 2nd and won a sungem. Measle and Jea N'golia both made it to the semi-finals, Measle won a shovel and Jea won a sylphstone ring. Largo and Ilena made it to the semi-semi-finals, they and all other participants (Nynaeve, Vixis, Asklepios and Miratisu) all won a 50c brewery gift certificate.
Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 07:00 PM PDT East Town Indoor Pushball (Shove the ball into the opponent's goal to win!) Himitsu The Pants Team (Largo, Clauwz and Miratisu) came in first and won 400c apiece. The Cloaks Team (Kahlefeldt, Asklepios and SIrus) came in second and won 200c apiece.
Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 02:00 PM PDT Cear'vae Cear'vae contest: Each participant will receive a bottle and will have to run the Cear'vae contest. Cear'vae is collecting data on how different types of creatures react to certain substances. He need each participant to find as many different types of creatures as possible in 120 minutes (ooc: ±30 minutes). Each participant must hold up the sample to each creature and observe its reaction. Farhope Largo came in 1st and won 500c and chose a chain as his prize. Miratisu came in 2nd and won 300c and took no prize. Clauwz came in 3rd and won 200c chose a sungem. Cena, Ilena, Dok d'Mok and Vixis also participated and won 100c and their choice of prize.
Sat, Nov 12, 2005 at 11:30 AM PDT Bard's Field Marathon item hunt, will start at the specified time and end at 11:30am pacific time on 11/13 Delirium Cena came in 1st and won a shiny dagger. Largo came in 2nd and won 1000c. Rusty Ironbeard came in 3rd and won a chain. Vixis came in 4th and won 500c.
Sat, Nov 12, 2005 at 02:00 PM PDT Bard's Field Trivia (How well do you know Puddleby? Are others impressed with your depth of knowledge? Then the trivia contest is the one for you.) Himitsu Largo came in 1st and won a catsbane necklace. Rusty Ironbeard came in 2nd and won a chain. Sirus came in 3rd and won a pouch of dice.
Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 12:00 PM PDT Bard's Field Newbielympics Closing Ceremonies - There will be music, food, drinks and an overview of the winners of the Newbielympics events and announcement of the winners of the Newbielympics drawing for all event participants. Exiles of all levels welcome. TBA All prize drawing winners are listed at the WoD Forum. Please check the list to see if you need to claim your prize.
The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.