Winds of DawnEghorus the Rooster
8:10 pm on Merdi, day 33 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Membership Intro

Joining the Clan

The Winds of Dawn clan is always looking for exiles and clans interested in joining with us to help out new exiles, and to have fun while doing it. We are open to exiles of any age, race, profession, and circle. If you are an exile interested in joining us, here's what you need to know!

  • Our goal is to help new exiles. Anyone who joins us should have a penchant for trying to assist those who have recently arrived in the lands.

  • The first step to entering the clan is getting to know as many of its members as possible. You can accomplish this by coming to any of our clan events, by finding us around town whenever we're out of the library, or by speaking to us via the message boards. Before any potential member is voted on, they need to attend at least three clan events and post on our message boards. Any group event with at least four clan members present qualifies as a clan event (scheduled or otherwise). Try to keep track of the clan events you've been to and be sure to let us know you may be interested in applying so we can keep track too.

  • To officially apply, you should register on our clan message boards and post that you would like to officially apply. Additionally, you should include in your post the answers to the following four questions. You should also answer any additional questions posted in response (if you don't have time to visit the forum regularly, you can mark that you want email notification of responses to your post so you can tell whenever someone posts a response). This helps members who may not get a chance to meet you in the lands get to know you so they can vote effectively on your membership.
    1. Why do you want to join Winds of Dawn?
    2. In what ways do you enjoy helping new exiles?
    3. What do you enjoy doing when you are out of the Library?
    4. What do you not enjoy doing?

  • After you have posted your answers to these questions, there will be a week long private discussion by clan members about you. Once you have met both the event requirements and have had the private discussion period finish, a vote will be held by the current members via our private message board section to decide on your acceptance. The vote process takes about a week to get completed usually, after which we shall send you word as to whether you have been accepted or not.

  • Should you be accepted, you shall be joined at the nearest possible time in which several members can be present to witness your entry into The Winds of Dawn (and subsequently, enough members to party with afterwards!). This is usually during a clan meeting but other arrangements can be made if need be.

  • We don't currently have any rules on kicking anyone out of the clan. We hope we don't ever have to make them, either.

Should you have any further questions on membership policies, send E-mail to applytowod AT windsofdawn DOT org

If you are a clan or organization interested in working with us, send an enchanted mail to our clan ambassador and they will be glad to speak with you about it.

Clan Meetings

The Winds of Dawn clan currently alternates between four different meeting times, to attempt to have good times for as many folks as possible. To see the meeting times for the next four weeks, check the clan events page. The meeting is in the myrm highlands, where you fall over the cliff edge (if you don't know where that is, just go in the myrm highlands at meeting time and yell, we'll find you). If you'd like to come by a clan meeting to meet the members, to express your interest in joining the clan, or for any other reason, you are welcome to come join the meeting.

Clan Meeting Spot
Fall down the cliff pictured here to get to the clan meeting.

The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.