Foothills Survival Camp

Leaving for Dread Passage from Bones

Going through Wishers Gate area

Fighting our way to the Dread Passage

Entering the Dread Passage safe cave

Manning the Stayin Fallen Chain

Most of the group leaves to rescue Henryk from Orga village

Death Vermine attack and the fallen chain must be dropped to protect the healers

Noisy Mervine joins the fallen chain

Henryk plays with Malkor's rune

Zapped by lightning during a failed run for the exit

Gathering in Dread Passage path area before making a run for rocks

Made it past the Dread Passage rocks

Made it to the Foothills safe cave

Clanmates discuss missing the clan meeting for the foothills adventure

More midnight wendies than you can shake a stick at

Digging through the foothills

Fighting a large midnight wendecka

Buried alive!

Kudzu save the day fighting a frenzy and hatred

A moment of reflection before leaving for town