Winds of DawnEghorus the Rooster
8:11 pm on Merdi, day 33 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Fire Island Clan Founding Hunt

Fire Island Hunt Photos


Deciding to go to Fire Island for our first official clan hunt


Approaching the island...


All inside and ready for a hunt!


Buddying up so we don't lose anyone


Found a pretty oasis


Wandering around looking for fun things to see


We can look but can't seem to touch


Orga warlocks? Nope- these are bezerkers. Never seen those before- they're tough


What's this, a lava walker?


Hmm- he's kinda bad. Time to run!


Uhoh, didn't run fast enough.


It's following! Oh no!


Well at least we're making some progress raising the group.


Chaining to safety! What a way for our first hunt to go


Raising who we can


Finding and raising the rest of the gang


Man this place is confusing. Our friends are here, but we can't get to them!

Fire Island Hunt Log

Dramatic Highlights!

10/1/00 4:00:51p Kiriel D'Sol exclaims, "can't hit it!"
10/1/00 4:00:52p Kiriel D'Sol says, "S"
10/1/00 4:00:52p Kiriel D'Sol has fallen to a burst of flame.

10/1/00 4:07:11p Konoko yells, "our first hunt was maybe just a little too
dangerous :)"
10/1/00 4:07:11p Aerick yells, "Konoko and I are here, situation dangerous,
fire jerk N of us, lots of junk."
10/1/00 4:07:24p Kiriel D'Sol has fallen to a burst of flame.
10/1/00 4:07:31p Aerick says, "Kiriel's down"
10/1/00 4:07:32p The Fire Rat stands in Konoko's gaping mouth.
10/1/00 4:07:36p K'tt'n'ia is no longer Clanning.
10/1/00 4:07:36p GrayGradi is still fallen to a Bolok Cougar.
10/1/00 4:07:39p Farhope yells, "Now i know that Konoko :-)"
10/1/00 4:07:40p The Fire Rat rips at Konoko's organs.
10/1/00 4:07:45p Konoko yells, ":)"
10/1/00 4:07:48p The Rat plucks at Konoko's eye sockets.
10/1/00 4:07:51p Aerick yells, "Do we have any healers still standing?"
10/1/00 4:08:02p The Rat pokes at Konoko's wounds.
10/1/00 4:08:08p Farhope yells, "Corwin, Tater and Azael I think"
10/1/00 4:08:10p The Fire Rat munches on Konoko's fallen body.
10/1/00 4:08:17p The Rat munches on Konoko's fallen body.
10/1/00 4:08:24p Aerick yells, "Pshaw, so there's no problem after all"
10/1/00 4:08:30p The Rat rips at Konoko's organs.
10/1/00 4:08:35p The Fire Rat plucks at Konoko's eye sockets.
10/1/00 4:08:36p The Fire Rat pokes at Konoko's wounds.
10/1/00 4:08:36p Konoko has been fallen for some time because of an Orga
10/1/00 4:08:40p Aerick yells, "Azrael down"
10/1/00 4:08:44p (Aerick smiles)
10/1/00 4:08:49p Konoko yells, "azael just fell east of here"
10/1/00 4:09:03p Farhope yells, "ok, so... still Corwin and Tater :-)"
10/1/00 4:09:05p The Fire Rat plucks at Konoko's eye sockets.
10/1/00 4:09:05p The Fire Rat stands in Konoko's gaping mouth.
10/1/00 4:09:09p The Fire Rat rips at Konoko's organs.
10/1/00 4:09:12p The Fire Rat tears at Konoko's flesh.
10/1/00 4:09:15p Lerris is still fallen to a burst of flame.
10/1/00 4:09:19p Aerick yells, "That's twice as many of us as Fire Jerks"
10/1/00 4:09:27p (Konoko giggles.)

Summary of Events

10/1/00 3:52:16p Ender has fallen to an Orga Berserker.
10/1/00 4:01:09p Lerris has fallen to a burst of flame.
10/1/00 4:02:37p Konoko has fallen to an Orga Berserker.
10/1/00 4:03:58p Farhope is still fallen to a burst of flame.
10/1/00 4:04:55p Aerick has fallen to a burst of flame.
10/1/00 4:04:36p GrayGradi has fallen to a Bolok Cougar.
10/1/00 4:06:46p Nunul has fallen to a Bolok Cougar.
10/1/00 4:07:24p Kiriel D'Sol has fallen to a burst of flame.
10/1/00 4:14:19p Tater has fallen to a Wendecka.
The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.