Winds of DawnEghorus the Rooster
8:10 pm on Merdi, day 33 of Spring, 639 Sun Times
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Clans Directory

Below is a list of the known clans in Puddleby along with the information provided by the clan. This list is intended mainly as an aid in deciding which clans to consider when looking for a clan, but can also be used to learn more about the clans in general or finding contact information for a clan. If you belong to a clan and would like to update that clan's information, please follow the instructions on the Update Clan Information page.

There are currently 93 clans in this list.

Clan Name Contact Description Type/Frequency of Events Membership Requirements Currently Accepting Applications
7 Nin No Samurai  Zeek         
Ancestral Recall  Webow         
The Ancients           
Angels of Doom  Trowa        In the process of disbanding 
Antiscian Tribe  Blitz        Not actively seeking members, but will not refuse consideration. 
any clan: The Fellowship of the Tabula Rasa    Providing support and information for unprofessioned exiles    Open to unprofessioneds only. Must not be pursuing mystic path. Must have attained rank of Master or Mistress  Yes 
Arakeshian Brotherhood  Vandergroth  The Arakeshian Brotherhood follows the teachings of the great Arakesh, living legend and god in the lands of Windoria. The Brotherhood was founded to fight against the enemies of the exile population. Official enemies of the Brotherhood: Orgas, Darshak, Undine, T'rools    Accepting the teachings of Arakesh. Swearing enmity to the enemies of the Brotherhood. Vandergroth has to accept you as a member. (~being a Zo helps too, I heard...)  Aye! The war isn't yet won. Come and talk to active members, best with Vandergroth or Beesfields directly. 
Bane of the Black Heart  Drenn  We research and document information about the Dar'shak in hopes of finding a weakness with which we can end their terror.    Must hate Dar'shak, fulfill a quest, and be accepted by the founders.  Yes. 
Black Unicorn  Voyager II, Bvael'frr, or Oracle  One of the oldest clans. The safety net of its members, should they need one. Hallowed halls in which life long friendships are made. There are five Classes (Celestial, Air, Fire, Earth, Water) so members can find the one in which they feel the most at home.  We have no regularly scheduled events for the entire clan. Do what you need to do, when you need to do it. If you need help, assistance or have questions, just call.  Exiles of Honor, Truth and High Regard - exiles the good folks of Puddleby want to be friends with.  We will always accept membership applications. However, we seldom seek new members - as new family members do not arrive every day. If interested, contacts are listed. 
The Bloodneko           
The Blue Team  Modest         
The BookWyrm  Typ  We are the Bookwyrm and aim to achieve/maintain harmony by use of force or knowledge.  Clan hunt when ever we can.  BookWyrm is an ooc firends and family clan, so not much of requirements besides being nice.  Please Ask TYP for more info. 
Brotherhood Of Independents           
Chilled  Icy  A clan for all those cold people out there.  Logging on/Logging Off  Be chilly.  No 
Choco's Angels           
Christmas Tree  Puffy-*      Human female   
Clan Destine  Any member  We're a group dedicated to exploration and hunting, while alsovhelping to further each members skill sets. We all enjoy perfecting our abilities to work together as a group, investigating new (to us) lands, and discovering new mysteries to solve.   Weekly meetings followed by a clan hunt  2nd circle and up, a great attitude, desire to work together with others and an overall sense of humor.  yes 
Clan Foxy  Any member  Making the world a Foxier place, one exile at a time. (We are *not* disbanded. There's eight of us.)  Clan "hunts" and Town Foxing-ups whenever possible.  Keen fashion sense, good sense of humour, common sense, sense of self, and of course, niceness is a plus. Female fens and sylvans encouraged especially.  Appli-what? 
The Clan of the Little People  Vivi  This clan sticks up for all the little guys out there.  This clan will do anything together, from helping new exiles, clan hunts, etc.  The only real requirement is too be a little person (halfings, dwarves). But if they desire to join, but is not small, they just have to understand one of the languages  Yes 
The Clan of the Purple Tor  Chris Rex         
The Dark Cloaks  Llerendel Starchasm  We are a self-perpetuating oligarchy headed by a benevolent dictator  dormant  Knowledge begins with the discovery of the path towards Wisdom  The concepts of 'good' and 'evil' often obscure Truth 
The Darkhorse Clan    In brief, our goals and principles include exploration, conducting ourselves with intelligence in whatever situation we find ourselves, and solving the mysteries of the lands, whether big (The South Forest Mirror) or small (Why can't certain full PFs open WG?). We are willing to do anything to accomplish our goals, even if it means abandoning rank whoring! (At least occasionally *<g>).  Clan hunts either once/week or whenever there's something we need to investigate.  Somebody that has the same interests listed in the clan description. Also, somebody who shares a decent amount of clanning time with most of our members and on a consistent basis.  Not actively seeking out new members at present but will consider anybody who shows an aggressive interest in joining in addition to meeting the requirements. 
Deaths Minions           
The Dwarven Militia  Warplet  We have 3 goals: 1. To get rich (money allows us to do things like drink beer and the Volympics) 2. To get powerful (this aids in our quest for beer money) and 3. to get drunk.  Some large "official" events (Dun'ilsar, Volympics, hunts), but mostly smaller "unofficial" hunts/activities.  Exemplify the Dwarven spirit. (all races welcome) Must speak Dwarven.  Always. See charter on web scrolls for more info. 
E'las Loth'mon Ferindril  Fleming  A merry band of sylvans dedicated to the spread of sylvan culture in the isles of Lok'groton.  A clan meeting is held every Sunday at the campfire in the myrm highlands, followed by a clan hunt. We are also very active in the Dun'ilsar competition.  Must be a sylvan, or a sylvan at heart.   
The Edarian Alliance  Iolaus  A friendly clan built up by former Edarians for themselves and their friends.  Sporadic events not impossible ;)  Just befriend with the clanmembers and you're in!  Right now? Sure :) 
The Emperor Mobius's Inquirers  Ziff Rengar  This clan is a joke.    Be Ziff Rengar  If you can be Ziff Rengar 
Evergreen Circle  Twilth  The Evergreen Circle has been created to be a small strategic group for the service and protection of Puddleby and its inhabitants. We favor quality over quantity, and try to rely on each member's strengths.  As we are still in the process of getting ourselves organised, we aren't really planning many events ourselves. When we do have meetings, we will have them on Saturday, 3:00 PST, Lundar's Lake.  Should be at least a fairly easy person to get along with, unique skill (Not neccesarily in the form of ranks) strongly encouraged. It also helps if you happen to have a good sense of humor...  Yes 
The Fashion Police  email Agent or Spazomdier! anyone but Aries!  Bascially we are the elite of puddleby. We are stylin' and dead sexy, if anyone actually had heard of us they'd want to be in our clan.  We like to party and dress up an crap, does that count?  Ya gotta be dead sexy. The fashion police is known to take bribes.  This clan is harder to get in than Sten's pants. 
The Fellowship  Crunch         
GDI  Jessie  A group of like-minded misanthropists.  Infrequent. Once a decade or so.  Misanthropy.  Membership is by invitation only. Any member can invite anyone to join. 
The Great Alliance of Ghoraks           
Griffons Army          Inactive 
The Guard of The Golden Tree  Entoo, Hrothgar, Califas  Philosophy/Style: A looseknit group of people who come together in friendship and try to promote kind actions Description: Casual clan, Not really reruiting, but at the same time making an effort not to die out  We have events? uhh.. right.  Non arrogant attitude, friendly, well liked. Preferrably someone who likes to explore a lil but isn't really a RW  It's on an individial basis, usually on invite tho. 
The Hearts of Tan  Karkras  We hold shared discovery as an ideal and live according to the principles of fidelity, honor, and fellowship.  Weekly Tan and Friends hunts, Saturday and Sunday approx 9 am Eastern time  A "Tan Heart"  Yes 
The Hobblings  Mr Pudding  Clan started by Bigfat. Mostly for halflings. As the Dwarven Militia love to drink we love to eat. There are only 2 active memebers i am aware of, and one isnt all that active...  none  must be living.  hahaha, if you really want to... 
The Holy Knights  Cahrk         
The Holy Metallic Wombats Inc.  Naferu  Clan is mainly a group of guys that decided to make a clan..nothing we really stand for except the oh so holy metallic wombat ;)  No regular events.  Befriend the HMW crew or at least some of it..  Yes 
Hounds  Siri or Biff  We have fun!  nothing organized  Must be a friend  Sure. 
Hunter  See scrolls  Dedicated to the Good Hunting, Exploration, and Defence of Puddleby. We strive to be a good example to all others in the Lands by supporting exiles in the above activities, building up our skills, and finally gathering wealth and experience from the dangers in the Lands around us.  Small hunts to large multi-clan efforts. Two hunt-times per Zodiac.  Detailed instructions are to be found in the Hunter scrolls.  Always. 
Ireen Gehlan  Silky or Arkin         
The Kalikanzari  Baraboo at Puddleby Box 2074  Kalikanzari is dedicated to restoring and maintaining balance in the world. Balance of the populations of beasts, balance of political power and control, individual balance... balance in all its noble forms.    There are no formal requirements, although dedication to the purposes of the clan would be a logical beginning.  Yes 
The Knights Of Ni  Narse    No organized clan events.     
Knights of the Watch  Olmy  Knights of the Watch are noble and heroic exiles, symbols of all that is right and true in the world. Historical examples include Joan of Arc, Roland, Sir Galahad, Sir Gawain, and Sir Lancelot. Knights of the Watch must at all times maintain high ideals: Self-Discipline, Compassion, Responsibility, Friendship, Work, Courage, Perseverance, Honesty, Loyalty, Faith.  We are a group of independents, helping those in need where we find them. We may join together if it is convenient. Any member may request a team event and we do participate in them on occasion.  Knights of the Watch is only open to exiles who successfully complete a series of quests designed to determine their ability to uphold the reputation of the clan. Initiates enter the clan as Pledges or Pages. Pledges work with an appropriate clan member toward one of the higher orders. Pages are apprentice to a particular Squire and Squires are apprentice to a particular Knight. Pages may become Squires and Squires may become Knights only through successful hand-to-hand combat with existing clan members. Clan members earn the right to such combat through the completion of particular milestones and quests.  We are always open to those who seek to join our clan. Speak to a clan member in the lands. 
Laughing Academy  Super Chicken  Funny clan lookin for funny stuff.  inactive    yes 
Les chercheurs  Rkooca-e         
Light & Shadow  MadMark or Angela  The Light and Shadow clan is like an extended family, offering protection, education, and friendship to all who are willing to be involved.  Weekly official clan hunts on Sundays, preceded by a short clan meeting; casual hunts almost daily, seasonal outings to KI, and participation in Dunilsar, Volympics, etc.  Primary membership requirements are to be friendly and truly enjoy interacting with others.  Yes. Seek out the company of Light and Shadow members and visit the "Join Us" portion of our clan scrolls at (follow the application instructions and send to membership@lightandshadow. 
Llehn ryn Rhav'tsath  Daimoth, Kerrah, and Kalian         
Lords of the Wamphyrii  Noah         
The Lost Ones  Shen Calin  Anyone who feels left out, out of place.  None as of yet  Clanless  On case by case basis 
Lounge Lizards Inc.  Tara  Like to lounge and lick lizards.  Have an occasional clan hunt when more than 3 members are on.  Must be a friend of the clan and practice meticulous lounging habits   
Loyalists to The Ascendancy  Telemain  Loyal to the Empire and Mobius, we seek to continue his work and establish an order of Loyalists willing to ensure that any Imperial events involving Puddleby are carried out successfully without petty exile interference.  Loyalist RP encouraged all the time. Members saving money for future projects is beneficial to the cause. We have already erected a statue of his Majesty Mobius in the museum.  There is always room for a Loyalist within the guild no matter who they are by race, class, or skill...  Yes 
Maximum Rankage  Gorvin or Cecil        Kinda but not exactly 
Neko No Kessha  Relkin         
One Heart  Alexia         
Open Hands  Boris  Open Hands is dedicated to providing a clan too those who would like to belong to a clan but have yet to find just the right one. We also have a core of members who plan to always be Open Hands.  Hunts and meetings are not mandatory but are posted on the clan forum for those who wish to attend.  A desire to belong to a clan that doesn't exclude folks.  Yes, contact Boris or visit the scrolls to find out more.  
The Oracle of Colaka  Yesod  Talk to Yesod  none  Talk to Yesod  Depends 
The Order           
The Order of Akara  Aneirin  Provides maps and information on events.  Holds clan gatherings weekly.  The entire clan must agree upon a new member before he/she is admitted.  Yes. 
Order Of The Midnight Sun  White Wolf  A group of exiles who's goal is: To live a life of honor and dignity. To be honest and brave. To serve, protect, and assist those in need. To contribute to the Unity of the exiles, and to promote unity in diversity within the lands. And most of all, to be there when needed.  OMS does not hold official clan events, being a clan/non-clan. Members do hunt together, but are free to, and are encouraged to hunt with a wide variety of exiles and clans.  Details on clan scroll.  The Clan is currently accepting applications. However, you will need to be invited to join. If interested in joining, talk to a clan elder. 
Order Of The Mini  Maquiladora  OotM isn't as structured as some clans, but some core values are important to us.
  • Friendship
  • Generosity
  • Helpfulness
  • Shopping
Some values are more equal than others 
no organized events but clan sisters always welcome each other and friends along on hunts  Anyone who will wear a mini skirt!  Yes. 
Order Of The White Elephant  Any Member  OWE is dedicated to exploration, hunting, rescues, and the defense of Puddleby. Its creed is Fellowship, Service, Discipline. (See OWE has a strong presence in AO-led groups (like PAG). See for accounts of recent hunts.  Applicants should submit a short letter of interest and attend at least two hunts with current OWE members.  Yes. 
Pogue Mahone  Any Pogue  Pogue Mahone  Pogue Mahone  Pogue Mahone  Pogue Mahone 
Prentis'mon Ferindril    Hopefuls clan for E'las Loth'mon Ferindril       
The Prophets Of Balance  Omni         
Public Relations  Bungleyed Grok, Dr. Funky  Public Relations, the way it SHOULD be  no  we like you  yes 
Puddlebean Ornithological Soc.  Any member  Hunt-oriented organization of Bird Watchers. We enjoy venturing into challenging (and rewarding!) territory.  Our organization is loosely tied together. It is rare that a hunt will become 'official', however our members are known throughout the lands and strive constantly to bring each other together for all forms of expeditions and events. It is not at all uncommon for all clanning members to be on the same hunt/expedition/etc.  Group Compatability is a prime requisite, though we are skeptical of accepting exiles who have not established their character or potential.  Exiles are requested to join. Asking to join rarely entails membership unless the candidate is truly exceptional. 
The Puddleby Baywatch™           
R.U.L.Y. Mob  Rutherford  R.U.L.Y. Mob, of course.  None  None  We don't do applications. 
Raiders of the Underground  Rodan  A dwarven clan (on occasion they accept other races) and they represent the old dwarven ways of the mines       
The Rat Bastards  Bavmorda         
Red Nine    Members: Kalian, Fanan, Raiine       
The Red Quill  Any clan member  The Fellowship of the Red Quill is dedicated to the discovery and preservation of knowledge of the land we live in. We seek knowledge upon all matters, and welcome to our ranks any who will join with us in this search.  Occasional clan meetings, hunts, sponsored events, and "things we can't talk about"  The Fellowship is a loose association of artisans, historians and scholars (and generally interesting people). We do not discriminate by race, religion, profession, size, weight, age, circle, ranks, or any of those other silly, superficial factors.  By invitation only. If you want to be invited, develop an interesting character and spend some time getting to know the current members of the Fellowship. 
Rideo Risi Risum           
Rising Claw  Odesseus of S'kour  Rising Claw is a clan based on the teachings of Chil'tak, a fen warrior and statesfen of ancient times. The clan presently commits to aiding exiles however we can, and to aid in the eventual overthrow of Moebius. The clan also has artistic, bard and scholarly pursuits.  Members of Rising Claw participate in Dun'ilsar events (we are presently in the #1 spot) as well as clan hunts and and explorations.  Stout of heart and strong of character, with unswerving loyalty and duty to the clan. Oh, and you must be able to withstand barrages of puns (or better yet, participate). Rising Claw looks for creativity, dedication and a sense of "family" from its members.  Inquiries of application by experienced exiles is welcome, though Rising Claw usually adds members through invitiation. Please review our scrolls for information on the clan's policies, goals and history. 
The Rua'n Famkul  Raldin  An ancient mystical sect originating deep in the mountains of the mainland and founded by dwarves. It would not be wise to say more so publicly.  Obscure and secretive events, timed inscrutably.  Must be a member of the mystic guild.  Yes. 
The Sacred Conclave  Darnok         
Scholars of the Blade  Ender  We are mostly explorers and hunters    Brotherhood, 2nd circle  Applications accepted, loyalty to the clan is a must. Looking for permanent members only. 
The Sect of the Rising Fenix  Akisha or Twilth or Feauial  Our Goal was to help new exile (wow). however it looks like this clan is close to die.  none    yes, no sure it is a good idea .... 
The Silver Drake  Sean  Only a couple members left.      No 
The Sisters of Benevolence  Prue  Puddleby's favorite daughters: Prue, Ashe, Una, Luce, Tere and Ire.  The Sisters perpetually do what is best for the community.  Membership is not open to the public. Anyone desiring official affiliation with the Sisters is encouraged to join the Legion of Thoom (non-thooms welcome).  No 
Sisters of the Sun  Jade         
The Sun Dragon Clan  SDC Council  Above all else, the SDC is a diplomatic and helpful clan. We seek to improve Puddleby and the lives of all of its citizens. We also seek to destroy undine and other dark forces that threaten the well being of the pure and innocent. We try to understand the mysteries of the universe and to put what we have learned into constructive uses. Our Clan Virtues are: Helpfulness, Courtesy, Honor, Liberality, and Bravery.  We hold a clan hunt every Saturday at 10 a.m. Pacific at the SDC house which is in south Puddleby, just east of the museum. Generally they are open to the public although at times they will be closed to clan members only. We also participate in the Dun'ilsar and host other events from time to time.  Anyone interested in joining the SDC should embrace our values. Basically we are here to have fun, help others, and please don't be a jerk or you won't be invited by SDC.   
Temple of the Moon  ser Slyph  Temple of the Moon is a clan for healers that dedicate their work to the goddess, the Moon. It  This information is secret! Not telling!  New members must possess an indomitable spirit, and they are asked to join the Temple of the Moon by invitation, only.  Like Hell, we are. 
the tree huggers  van de koll  the clan will never, under any circumstances, ever use a weapon against a tree       
Thoom Tabarnak           
ThoomCare™  Paramedic  ThoomCare is an organization of Thoom Healers committed to providing medical services to the citizens of Puddleby. ThoomCare healers are well-suited for rescues or for the healing component of adventuring parties. ThoomCare is also involved with the publication of Fishwrap Magazine and the ThoomCare Media Network.  Frequent, but usually not planned ahead of time. Often ThoomCare healers are on rescue patrol or accompanying exiles on expeditions and hunts. Thoomfest celebrations in town center are sometimes orchestrated by ThoomCare members.  ThoomCare is primarily for Thoom healers, but does consider others who have goals similar to those of the clan. New members have to successfully pass a period of apprenticeship with a clan mentor before they are admitted.  Yes 
The Violent Fens    Founded day 17 of Autumn 552 by Andrea, Unagi, Yasnaia, and Bat       
The Winds of Dawn  Kiriel D'Sol  The Winds of Dawn clan is focused mainly on helping out the new exiles of Puddleby and having fun together.  Weekly meetings, clan hunts vary, but generally once or twice a month in addition to the occasional after meeting hunts and the occasional newbie hunts. Occasional Dun'ilsar events.  Must be friendly and have a desire to help out new exiles. No specific skill requirements. Limit one membership per clicker.  Applications always accepted. 
wusscare  Raymond Shifter  Just a group of friends.  Generaly no scheduled events.  Usualy membership has to be offered.  Not really. 
The Zo Killing Machine  Chicot  Dedicated to the glorious task of killing critters with humanity.    Part of the family  No new applications 
The Zouclougeist Alliance  Geraldus  An ancient clan dedicated to the obscure teachings of the semi-mythical Emperor Duck.  Unscheduled and spontaneous.  Must be darn good-looking.  Yes 
The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.