Welcome to my personal scroll. I'm Kiriel D'Sol (better known as simply Kiri) a sylvan woman, chainer and 6th circle fighter, who's been in the lands since the Winter of 537 (storm 117). I'm a proud founding member of the Winds of Dawn Clan and their scrollmistress. I'm also a proud member of Catenae, Puddleby's Foremost Chaining Guild. I recently finished studying the advanced pathfinding book "Giayl's Guide to Hidden Ways". I've been able to open many paths for rescues and explorations, and I have studied the islands and various maps extensively, so I am sometimes useful as a guide. In my spare time I like to bake goodies for clan events and occasional town parties. Although I have a hard time finding all the ingredients I need, lots of very nice folks have helped me in my efforts (special thanks to my clanmates, Frozen Shade, Lorikeet, Ledward Vicious and many many more)
I remember when I first arrived in the lands how confused I was. Not only did I not know anyone, I didn't remember how I got to Puddleby (except for the rude guy who kicked me off the boat). Luckily, the people of Puddleby are a very nice and helpful lot, and I adjusted to life there very quickly. A special thanks go out to Amelia, Lisette and Lancelot, who helped me get oriented and get some nicer clothes in my first few days in Puddleby. I made fast friends with some other nice new arrivals, such as Sephorus, Looloo, Goric, Kintok and At'n and spent many happy days in the hive, undine hut, and other various places, honing my skills. Also, Romuli helped me greatly in my first few months, taking me hunting regularly in exciting areas I'd never be strong enough to go to alone.
I remembered the help that was given to me in my early days, and I decided to devote my skills to helping others. Although sometimes just I'll go out hunting or hanging out with my pals, some of my happiest times are showing new exiles about, coming to the rescue of folks when they thought all hope was lost, and helping to locate fallen exiles who nobody can seem to find. As a result, I joined the Silver Drakes (a clan dedicated to helping new exiles) shortly after arriving in Puddleby, and later left the clan with many members to found the Winds of Dawn, a clan with a similar goal as the Silver Drakes, but more focused on special new exile events and spending great time together than just on invididual activities. We're very proud of the work we've done as a clan and we hope to continue a long time.
If you ever need a chain rescue, or a guide around an island (especially Devil's Island) or someone to toggle locate you or show a new person around, you can always call on me. If I'm busy I'll be sure to find someone else to help you out. I've written a guide on toggle locating to help other exiles do a more effective job of rescuing folks, you can read it here.
I also periodically write macros to help the busy exiles of Puddleby. Here's a list of the ones currently available:
If you need to talk to me, you can find me in the lands, or if you prefer, send me enchanted mail at kiriel AT windsofdawn DOT org.