kiriel.gifKiriel D'Sol


Macros Available:

Friend Labeler Macro

To use, copy and paste the following text into your Clan Lord macros file. Feel free to customize for your own use as needed.

// Friend labeler v1.0 // Macro for labeling friends based on color (type lbl for usage instructions) // Macro created by Kiriel D'Sol // Notify if you find a mistake or want to suggest an improvement "lbl" { message "Usage: Label from enemy to friend on a score of 1-5 (1 being like least, 5 being like most)." message "lbl1 (enemy), lbl2 (don't like much), lbl3 (associate with), lbl4 (friend), lbl5 (close friend), ulbl (unlabel)" } "lbl1" // red = enemy = 1 { if @text == "" message "No exile specified to label" else "/label " @text " red\r" end if } "lbl2" // green = don't like much = 2 { if @text == "" message "No exile specified to label" else "/label " @text " green\r" end if } "lbl3" // orange = associate with = 3 { if @text == "" message "No exile specified to label" else "/label " @text " orange\r" end if } "lbl4" // purple = friend = 4 { if @text == "" message "No exile specified to label" else "/label " @text " purple\r" end if } "lbl5" // blue = close friend = 5 { if @text == "" message "No exile specified to label" else "/label " @text " blue\r" end if } "ulbl" // unlabel { if @text == "" message "No exile specified to unlabel" else "/forget " @text "\r" end if }