kiriel.gifKiriel D'Sol


Macros Available:

KI Tree Map Macro

To use, copy and paste the following text into your Clan Lord macros file. Feel free to customize for your own use as needed.

// KI tree map v1.1 // Macro created by Kiriel D'Sol // Based on Tonoto's KI Map at // Notify if you find a mistake or want to suggest an improvement "kitree" { // NW entrance snell if @text == "zof" message "Zo Fighter: NW entrance snell, east edge of snell towards the south part" else if @text == "hum" message "Human Mystic: NW entrance snell, NE corner of snell" else if @text == "dwh" message "Dwarf Healer: NW entrance snell, north part of snell" // SE of NW entrance snell else if @text == "syh" message "Sylvan Healer: SE of NW entrance snell, furthest north tree in middle of east edge" else if @text == "dwf" message "Dwarf Fighter: SE of NW entrance snell, middle tree in middle of east edge" else if @text == "thm" message "Thoom Mystic: SE of NW entrance snell, farthest south tree in middle of east edge" // Outside tar cave else if @text == "dwm" message "Dwarf Mystic: outside tar cave, middle of north edge" else if @text == "huh" message "Human Healer: outside tar cave, NE part of snell near cave entrance" else if @text == "thf" message "Thoom Fighter: outside west cavern maze entrance, east of the river's edge near the north of the snell" // West of pass else if @text == "sym" message "Sylvan Mystic: west of pass, north edge middle" else if @text == "haf" message "Halfling Fighter: west of pass, NE corner" else if @text == "unh" message "Unrevealed Healer: west of pass, east edge middle near pass entrance" // South of pass area else if @text == "unf" message "Unrevealed Fighter: south of pass area, directly west of the rocks near the NW part of snell" else if @text == "zom" message "Zo Mystic: south of pass area, directly below the rocks on the W side" else if @text == "nop" message "No Profession: south of pass area, directly east of the rocks near the NE part of snell" else if @text == "feh" message "Fen Healer: south of pass area, east edge near the north part of snell" // East of pass area else if @text == "fef" message "Fen Fighter: east of pass area, NW corner" else if @text == "unm" message "Unrevealed Mystic: east of pass area, north edge middle" else if @text == "thh" message "Thoom Healer: east of pass area, near the rocks in the middle of snell" // East of cavern maze else if @text == "hah" message "Halfling Healer: east of cavern maze, near the north edge" else if @text == "fem" message "Fen Mystic: east of cavern maze, middle of snell near the rocks" else if @text == "huf" message "Human Fighter: east of cavern maze, middle of snell closer to east side" // NE of snell east of pass else if @text == "syf" message "Sylvan Fighter: NE of snell east of pass, far north end of snell" else if @text == "zoh" message "Zo Healer: NE of snell east of pass, NW corner" else if @text == "ham" message "Halfling Mystic: NE of snell east of pass, SW corner" // Instructions else message "To get the location of a tree for a specified race/profession combination specify a three letter code consisting of the first two chars of their race then the first char of their profession" message "Options:" message "Dwarf - fighter (dwf), healer (dwh), mystic (dwm)" message "Fen - fighter (fef), healer (feh), mystic (fem)" message "Halfing - fighter (haf), healer (hah), mystic (ham)" message "Human - fighter (huf), healer (huh), mystic (hum)" message "Sylvan - fighter (syf), healer (syh), mystic (sym)" message "Thoom - fighter (thf), healer (thh), mystic (thm)" message "Zo - fighter (zof), healer (zoh), mystic (zom)" message "Unrevealed - fighter (unf), healer (unh), mystic (unm)" message "No Profession (nop)" message " " message "South KI Map at" end if }