Winds of DawnJosephus the Ancient
12:19 am on Lundi, day 44 of Autumn, 640 Sun Times
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Creative Falling Contest

The Winds of Dawn hosted a special Newbielympics event, a Creative Falling Contest. This event was designed to allow folks from all time zones to participate- all submissions were be done via visionstone and entries were to be received by 1pm pacific time (GMT -7) on October 11, 2003.

Who Is Eligible To Participate:

The event was limited to exiles below Lord/Lady level (around 550 ranks).

Contest Rules:

To enter the contest the entrants had to create a visionstone of your creative falling entry (this visionstone must be unedited).

Creative falling is a fairly broad description, but mainly what the judges want to see is imagination and entertainment value. Entrants could have other exiles help in staging the creative falling.

A Winds of Dawn panel of five judges reviewed all entries and assigned them scores. The top three scores won prizes.


All prizes have been provided by the Koric and Felicity Goodbye Fund.

1st Prize: Albino Maha pelt - won by Legolas
2nd Prize: Chain - won by Jugia
3rd Prize: Wooden Shield - won by Klio


The entries are available for viewing here (916 K)

The Winds of Dawn is a clan in an online role-playing game called Clan Lord.
Corrections, questions, etc. regarding these scrolls should be sent to Kiriel D'Sol.