Educational Visionstone Contest
The Winds of Dawn hosted a special Newbielympics event, an Educational Visionstone Contest, in tandem with the Newbielympics. All submissions were to be done via visionstone and submitted via enchanted mail.
Who Was Eligible To Participate:
All exiles regardless of rank were allowed to participate.
Contest Rules:
To enter the contest the entrants were required to create an educational visionstone (editing was allowed). The focus could be on whatever they liked as long as it was educational in nature. It was recommended that visionstones be 5 minutes or less in length but they were not required to be. They were allowed to have as many exiles assist in the creation of the visionstone as they liked but the prize was given to the person submitting it.
A Winds of Dawn panel of five judges reviewed all entries and assigned them scores between 1-100. The top three scores won prizes.
For an example of a quality educational visionstone, view Farhope's Test Taking Tips Visionstone.
All prizes have been provided by the Koric and Felicity Goodbye Fund.
1st Prize: Albino Maha pelt, won by Martin
2nd Prize: Chain, won by Elena
3rd Prize: Wooden Shield, won by Jeanne
Contest Entries:
Below are the entries of all six participants in the contest: