kiriel.gifKiriel D'Sol


Macros Available:

Marsh Directions Macro

To use, copy and paste the following text into your Clan Lord macros file. Feel free to customize for your own use as needed.

// Marsh directions v1.5 // Based on the Marsh map at: // Macro created by Kiriel D'Sol // Notify if you find a mistake or want to suggest an improvement "mdir" { // Savannah choices if @text == "efsav" message "" message "Directions to Savannah from East Field entrance:" message "S- in SE corner (Two-Tree Island)" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "E- through reeds directly below bottom island (Six Islands)" message "E- from reeds in middle E edge (Four Islands)" message " " else if @text == "mirsav" message "" message "Directions to Savannah from Mirrors entrance:" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "E- through reeds directly below bottom island (Six Islands)" message "E- from reeds in middle E edge (Four Islands)" message " " // SF/Brambles Choices else if @text == "efsf" message "" message "Directions to South Forest (SE corner) from East Field entrance:" message "S- in SE corner (Two-Tree Island)" message "W- bottom edge of reeds in middle W edge (Two Islands)" message " " else if @text == "efmir" message "" message "Directions to Mirrors from East Field entrance:" message "S- in SE corner (Two-Tree Island)" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "W- from reeds in middle W edge (Six Islands)" message "W- between 1st and 2nd reeds from bottom W edge (Three Islands)" message " " else if @text == "efbram" message "" message "Directions to Brambles from East Field entrance:" message "S- in SE corner (Two-Tree Island)" message "E- from middle of reeds on middle E side (Two Islands)" message "To go to brambles N snell:" message "W- from middle of top reeds at the middle of W edge (Four Islands, Three Pools)" message "To go to brambles E snell:" message "S- from W edge of middle reeds at middle of S edge (Four Islands, Three Pools)" message " " else if @text == "savmir" message "" message "Directions to Mirrors from Savannah:" message "W- middle of W exit from savannah" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "W- from reeds in middle W edge (Six Islands)" message "W- between 1st and 2nd reeds from bottom W edge (Three Islands)" message " " // East Field Choices else if @text == "miref" message "" message "Directions to East Field from Mirrors entrance:" message "N- E of reeds at middle N edge (Two Islands)" message "S- in SE corner (Dead Tree Island)" message "N- at E edge of NW reeds (Two-Tree Island)" message " " else if @text == "savef" message "" message "Directions to East Field from Savannah:" message "W- middle of W exit from savannah" message "N- E of reeds at middle N edge (Two Islands)" message "S- in SE corner (Dead Tree Island)" message "N- at E edge of NW reeds (Two-Tree Island)" message " " else if @text == "cemef" message "" message "Directions to East Field from Cemetary entrance:" message "N- in NW corner (Rock Island)" message "N- at E edge of NW reeds (Two-Tree Island)" message " " // Cemetary Choices else if @text == "efcem" message "" message "Directions to Cemetary/Muddy Yellow Shirt from East Field entrance:" message "S- in SE corner (Two-Tree Island)" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "E- through reeds directly below bottom island (Six Islands)" message "N- through right edge of reeds 2nd from W side at N edge (Four Islands)" message "N- from middle of the W reeds at 3 reed cluster at the middle of N edge (Eleven Islands)" message "You should be at Muddy Yellow Shirt. To go to Cemetary:" message "E- from exact middle of pool at middle of E edge (Dead Tree Island)" message "" else if @text == "mircem" message "" message "Directions to Cemetary/Muddy Yellow Shirt from Mirrors entrance:" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "E- through reeds directly below bottom island (Six Islands)" message "N- through right edge of reeds 2nd from W side at N edge (Four Islands)" message "N- from middle of the W reeds at 3 reed cluster at the middle of N edge (Eleven Islands)" message "You should be at Muddy Yellow Shirt. To go to Cemetary:" message "E- from exact middle of pool at middle of E edge (Dead Tree Island)" message "" else if @text == "savcem" message "" message "Directions to Cemetary/Muddy Yellow Shirt from Savannah:" message "W- middle of W exit from savannah" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "E- through reeds directly below bottom island (Six Islands)" message "N- through right edge of reeds 2nd from W side at N edge (Four Islands)" message "N- from middle of the W reeds at 3 reed cluster at the middle of N edge (Eleven Islands)" message "You should be at Muddy Yellow Shirt. To go to Cemetary:" message "E- from exact middle of pool at middle of E edge (Dead Tree Island)" message "" // Hut Choices else if @text == "efhut" message "" message "Directions to Hut from East Field entrance:" message "E- in NE corner (Two-Tree Island)" message " " else if @text == "hutef" message "" message "Directions to East Field from Hut:" message "N- in NW corner (Hut Island)" message "N- at E edge of NW reeds (Two-Tree Island)" message " " // Muddy Yellow Pants Choices else if @text == "efyel" message "" message "Directions to Muddy Yellow Pants from East Field entrance:" message "W- in NW corner (Two-Tree Island)" message "S- directly below tree at S edge (One-Tree Island)" message " " else if @text == "yelef" message "" message "Directions to East Field from Muddy Yellow Pants:" message "S- in SE corner (Dead Tree Island)" message "N- at E edge of NW reeds (Two-Tree Island)" message " " // Marsh Loop Choices else if @text == "nmloop" message "" message "Directions to loop through north marsh from East Field entrance:" message "N- in NW corner (Two-Tree Island)" message "W- in SW corner (Rock Island)" message "S- directly below tree at S edge (One-Tree Island)" message "W- in SW corner (Dead Tree Island)" message "E- from top edge of pool - walk slowly or you'll cross 2 snells (Hut Island)" message "You should now be in Two-Island (south marsh), use smloop to check south" message " " else if @text == "smloop" message "" message "Directions to loop through south marsh from Two-Island entrance:" message "S- E of reeds in middle (Two Islands)" message "W- from reeds in middle W edge (Six Islands)" message "S- from tree island at S edge (Three Islands)" message "E- directly above 3rd set of reeds from S at E edge (Four Islands, Three Pools)" message "E- through 3rd set of reeds from N at E edge (Deep Pool)" message "N- through right edge of reeds 2nd from W side at N edge (Four Islands)" message "N- from middle of the W reeds at 3 reed cluster at the middle of N edge (Eleven Islands)" message "You are now in Dead Tree Island, go S in SE corner to return to Two-Tree Island" message " " // Instructions else message "" message "Specify origin for marsh directions" message "To Savannah Choices: efsav, mirsav" message "To South Forest/Brambles Choices: efsf, efmir, efbram, savmir" message "To East Field Choices: miref, savef, cemef" message "To Cemetary/Muddy Yellow Shirt Choices: efcem, micem, savcem" message "Hut Choices: efhut, hutef" message "Muddy Yellow Pants Choices: efyel, yelef" message "Marsh Loop Choices: nmloop (North), smloop (South)" message "Marsh map at:" message "" end if }